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Devin Clark

200OK Conference Wrap Up

200OK, Oklahoma's premier web dev conference, took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma on September 27th 2013. I had the pleasure of attending and I would like to share my experiences. It was an excellent conference, with a rock star (yeah I said it!) lineup of speakers. This was the first time (that I can remember) going to Tulsa. I live about two hours away.

Firefox OS and Web APIs

This talk was given by David Walsh. The slides are available at I have followed David's blog for years and I was excited when I saw he was speaking.

Mobile Web at Etsy

This talk was given by Lara Swanson. Lara is an amazing speaker and obviously is a descendant of my personal hero, Ron Swanson.

Ron Swanson Bacon and Eggs

I found this talk to be incredibly interesting because it combines two things that really fascinate me, mobile web development and performance.

Etsy has an alert set up that notifies the team when a page violates their performance SLA. I think that's a great idea.

They have an amazing device lab. You can read about it on Code as Craft.

The slides and some relevant resources for this talk, which I highly recommend you go through, are available on Lara's website.

Github Culture and Technology

This talk was given by Michael Gorsuch. I was surprised to hear we have a Githubber in Oklahoma City. One interesting thing Michale mentioned in the talk is how Github practices README driven development. The idea behind it is to write the blog post before the product and use the blog post to guide the product.

He recommended a talk Everything I know about Open Source I learned from Indie Hip Hop

It was an excellent insight into the work environment of Github and I would definitely recommend you watch the video for this presentation when it becomes available. I will try to do a post or something when they videos from 200OK are available.

Brackets & Edge Code

This talk was given by Raymond Camden, a hilarious man and Adobe Evangelist. He is the man responsible for the daily Adobe Updates but I do not hold that against him. Raymond revealed the magic of the wonderful code editor, Brackets. It is certainly something I would consider using instead of Sublime Text for JavaScript editing.


A common theme between most of the companies who spoke was they use some sort of chat program, whether it is IRC at Etsy or Campfire + Hubot at Github, to effectively communicate between team members.

I look forward to attending next year!

Did you attend 200OK and have something you wish to add? Leave a comment.

Photo of Devin Clark
Devin Clark
Principal Software Engineer, Oracle
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